e-Aadhaar (Payment Authentication Code) User Manual CSC e-Governance Services India Limited 2019
1. Introduction to e- Aadhaar An e- Aadhaar number basically refers to the 12-digit figure that is printed on the card issued to Indian residents by the Unique Identification Authority of India through a verification process. In order to apply for the-Aadhaar card, residents have to submit demographic details such as name, gender, age, date of birth, and residential address. Apart from this, biometric information including fingerprints, iris scan, and facial photographs are taken.
2. Benefits of e-Aadhaar Card
- e-Aadhaar card is an electronic card and is available online hence can be accessed at all times, and individuals need not have to worry about losing their card as it is virtual and cannot be misplaced.
- e-Aadhaar card is a universal identity card can be procured by all residents of India. This card acts as a proof of identity as well as address, unlike most other documents.
- Individuals can also open bank accounts by using their Aadhaar card.
3. Steps of Generating a Payment Authentication Code (PAC)
Step 1: Visit the website https://digitalseva.csc.gov.in/ and click on ‘Login Now’ button.
Step 2: Digital Seva Portal is integrated with CSC Connect, hence the user needs to log in via CSC Connect through their valid credentials and press SIGN IN button to log in the portal as shown below.
Step 3: Post Login, under the ‘Aadhaar Services’, click on ‘Aadhaar PAC Code’ tab.
Step 4: Now, User will be redirected to the ‘Assisted e-Aadhaar’ Portal of CSC https://registration.csc.gov.in/eaadhaarprint/.
Click on ‘Connect with Digital Seva’ button, for purchasing of a PAC Code as shown below:
Step 5: Operator ID will appear automatically. Click on the ‘Buy Now’ button.
Note- Keep your operator ID for login e Aadhaar portal.
Step 6: For Payment, Click on ‘PAY NOW’ button as shown below:
Step 7: Click on ‘Proceed to Wallet’ button. Rs 22.39 – VLE Share and Rs 7.61 – Amount which will be deducted from the VLEs Wallet
Step 8: Enter the Wallet Pin and click on the ‘Pay’ button.
Step 9: A PAC code (16 Digit) will be generated for every successful payment as shown below:
4. Steps of downloading e-Aadhaar
Step 1: Visit the website https://eassisted.uidai.gov.in
Step2: Enter the Username/Aadhaar No, Password and Captcha Code displayed on the screen.
Note: In Username field, user has to enter the Operator ID and the default Password for all users will be – admin@
Step 3: Now VLE has to select the option through which he wants to download the beneficiary e Aadhaar. VLE can use either beneficiary Aadhaar number, Enrolment ID or Virtual ID.
Step4: After selecting a particular option, VLE is required to click on the ‘Send OTP’ button to receive one -time password (OTP). The OTP will be sent to the Registered Mobile number for the given Aadhaar number, Enrolment ID or Virtual ID.
Step 5: Now enter the OTP received by beneficiary and the PAC CODE for downloading of eAadhaar
Step 6: After clicking on ‘Verifying and Download’ button, the e- Aadhaar card of the beneficiary will be downloaded. VLE will hand a color print of downloaded e-Aadhaar to the customer/resident and collect Rs 30 in return.
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